Exams/Study Regulations #
The study program here at the university is based on two regulations:
- the General Examination and Study Regulations (APSO)
- the Subject-specific Examination and Study Regulations (FPSO)
Both of these regulations are legally binding. We will discuss these two regulations in more detail below.
Study Guide #
To make it easier to understand the APSO and FPSO, the Study Guide was written. Here, the desired course of study is explained. You can find current module descriptions for your mandatory modules as well as the Study Guide at this link.
Study Planning #
The previously popular study planner has unfortunately been discontinued. The study and schedule planning can now be found in [TUMOnline]. The Master Admission Calculator can be found here.
Exam Dates #
The Bachelor Examination Board is responsible for determining the exam dates. Current exam dates can be found on the Student Affairs Office website.
Examination Regulation #
All exams for the basic and orientation examination (GOP) are taken directly after the lecture period in the first two weeks of the vacation period. In general, there is only one retake allowed for each exam. The repeat examinations usually take place in the last weeks of the respective semester break.
For the first and second semester, there is a joker regulation regarding failed exams: Examinations with a maximum of 7 ECTS credits may be repeated as often as desired within the scope of the study progress monitoring. Since all modules in the first two semesters are worth between 5 and 7 ECTS credits, this means that you have to pass exactly one exam at the latest after the 8th semester and all other exams at the latest in the second attempt, provided that other examination progress is ensured.
From the 3rd semester onwards, you then have an unlimited number of attempts within the scope of the study progress monitoring for an exam.
All examination modalities are regulated in the General Examination and Study Regulations (APSO) and in the Subject-specific Examination and Study Regulations (FPSO). Both of these documents are also legally binding. The APSO applies to all students at TUM. There are different versions of the FPSO (also to be found on the info page of the CIT on the BSEI), each of which applies to different cohorts:
Version | valid for studies beginning with the … | Most Important Changes |
Basic version | WS 08/09 | Change from Diplom to Bachelor |
1st Amendment | WS 09/10 | Splitting of the module Foundations of Computer Science into Algorithms and Data Structures and Programming in C |
2nd Amendment | WS 10/11, WS 11/12, WS 12/13 | (Re-)introduction of the so-called GOP-Joker |
3rd Amendment | SS 11 | Special regulations due to the double high school graduate year |
4th Amendment | WS 13/14 | Restructuring of the module catalogue in the basic studies |
New version | WS 18/19 | Adjustment of the basic studies orientation |
Note: the above table is intended to provide guidance only. It is not legally binding.
Exam Registration #
All students enrolled in the 1st and 2nd semesters are automatically registered for their exams. No separate registration is necessary.
From the 3rd semester onwards, students must independently register for the exams. Only registered students may participate in an exam. Please note the registration periods on TUMOnline.
Exam Withdrawal #
[Here] ( https://www.cit.tum.de/cit/studium/studierende/pruefungsangelegenheiten-module/elektrotechnik-informationstechnik/#c7699) you will find applications for exam withdrawal.
Study Progress Monitoring #
To meet the study progress monitoring requirements, you must have collected a certain number of credits. This number is according to the APSO:
ECTS Limits |
after the 1st semester: 0 ECTS |
after the 2nd semester: 0 ECTS |
after the 3rd semester: 30 ECTS |
after the 4th semester: 60 ECTS |
after the 5th semester: 90 ECTS |
after the 6th semester: 120 ECTS |
after the 7th semester: 150 ECTS |
after the 8th semester: 180 ECTS |
The FPSO provides stricter rules for the first two semesters. Thus, anyone who has passed the GOP with a total of 60 ECTS already fulfills the study progress monitoring up to the 4th semester.
Effects of the Corona Epidemic on Study Progress Monitoring #
From the summer semester 2020 to the winter semester 2021/22, the standard period of study was suspended. This means that all semesters during this period do not count toward the study progress monitoring.