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University Committees #

Below you will find an overview and explanations of the committees in which we actively shape university politics:

You can also find further information on university politics in the Trafos #130 and #130.


Faculty Council #

The Faculty Council (FR) is the highest committee within a faculty. The dean or the pro-dean holds the chairmanship in the FR. In addition to the dean, several representatives of the professors, representatives for the scientific and non-scientific employees of a faculty, students at our faculty hold four seats in the FR. The FR meets five times a year for a session. Decisions of the individual commissions are reviewed and voted on, or, if necessary, drafts are sent back to the appropriate commission for follow-up.

Study Commission #

The Study Commission is responsible for the general design of the study programs at the faculty. For example, if changes are to be made to the subject examination and study regulations (FPSO), proposals are discussed and developed here. No decisions can be made in the Study Commission, which is why the actual vote must take place in the Faculty Council.

Study Relief Commission #

The Study Relief Commission has only existed since the introduction of study fees and is therefore the youngest committee. The Study Relief Commission takes care of the distribution of the newly introduced study relief funds at our faculty, which replace the former study fees. In addition, it monitors the implementation of individual projects financed by study relief funds and conducts surveys among students. In the long run, the Study Relief Commission is supposed to define the ideal study conditions that are to be achieved with the help of study relief funds. Not an easy task. The Study Relief Commission is represented by the Dean of Studies, another representative of the professors, a representative of the scientific staff, the student representative, and four student representatives. Thus, with half of all votes in the Study Relief Commission, students have the greatest say compared to the other committees.

Appointment Committees #

The Appointment Committees are established when an old professorial position is to be filled or a new professorial position created. In the commission, the job advertisement text and thus the exact orientation of the position is determined, applicants are selected, and invited to job interviews. After evaluating the applicants, an ordered list is created and presented to the president, who then, after negotiations on details such as financial resources, awards the post to a candidate on the list. An authentic and voting member of this commission is always a student representative, who pays particular attention to the teaching area among the applicants.

Student Council #

The Student Council (FSR) is an interdisciplinary, university-wide committee and consists of representatives from all student representative organizations of the different faculties at TUM. It represents student concerns at the university-wide level, similar to the student representatives in the Faculty Council at the faculty level. The number of votes the student representatives of a faculty have in the Student Council depends on the number of students in each faculty.