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We have a new Printer!

Large Format Printing / Poster Printing #

For formats larger than A3, we can produce large format and poster prints with our plotter using the inkjet process. Especially for small editions like for example (scientific) posters or signs, digital printing is a worthwile alternative compared to the offset process.

Format #

Up to DIN-SRA3: Printing of smaller formats up to SRA3 can be realized on our color laser printer.

Up to DIN-A0: Larger formats can be plotted up to a width of 42 inch (1,067 m) x 30 m.

File Format #

To ensure a print result as deterministic as possible, we do only print PDF files. These should be exported in PDF/X-3 format, embedded pictures should be in the AdobeRGB color space. In addition, used fonts have to be embedded in the document as well. The maximum printable resolution is 2400 x 1200 dpi. Higher resolved graphics should be reduced. In contrast, less resolved graphics could lead to pixelated or blurred artifacts.

The PDF must have the correct size, we do not scale the PDF.

Printing time #

Usually we need 2-3 working days to print your poster. Sending your poster directly to your chair takes about 2 days. For short-term print orders, please send us an E-Mail or call us (+49 (0)89/289-22998).

Pricing #

The price for one plot depends on format and paper type. The following table shows combinations:

Photo Paper glossy (230 g/m²) CAD Paper (90 g/m²)
(default for posters) (only for technical drawings)
DIN A0 15,00€ 9,30€
DIN A1 12,00€ 8,00€
DIN A2 9,00€ 6,50€

More prices on request. Additional fees may apply on very high color density (much higher than usual scientific posters). (State: 23.11.2024)

Shipping #

We can send your poster directly to your chair. Please talk to your supervisor in this case and ask him if this is possible and how many copies are needed at your chair. If your chair doesn’t pay for your thesis, we will send you an invoice. You can pay the final amount using bank transfer. Furthermore you can ship your poster to every location in germany. The posters are shipped in a long carton box, shipping damage might occure.

Pricing #

Type of shipment Price
Shipping to your chair 2,00€
Shipping within Germany 11,00€

(State: 23.11.2024)

Submission Form! #

You can find the link to the submission form here! We will send you a mail once your printing job is ready for pickup. Please read our information concerning thesis printing before sending your documents. We do not assume liability for misprints caused by inobservance of our guidelines! If you have any questions, you may also refer to poster@fs.ei.tum.de.