Welcome #
Welcome to the english homepage of the faculty student council of Electrical and Computer Engineering. You can find all our recent news, services, events and lots of other interesting information here.
Sorry: #
This site is currently being translated and some sites that are available in german are not available for now, so please be patient. You can refer to the german version for further information. Alternatively, don’t hesitate and write us an email when you can’t find it on the page.
Current can be found in the Telegram news channel #
Newsposts: #
Newsposts are currently only available in german on the german site.
Contact #
Faculty student council Electrical and Computer Engineering
Theresienstr. 90
80333 MünchenTel: 089 289-22998
E-Mail: info@fs.ei.tum.deBuilding N4, Basemant Room N-1403
Instagram: @fsei.tum
Telegram: fseitum
RSS-Feed: RSS2
Quicklinks #
Student Council #
University #
Feedback #
Is there a broken light in the hallway or a broken chair in the lecture hall? Is the seminar room too cold or too hot? You can contact us whenever you find a problem or have an idea for improvement, be it about the lectures, the exercises, faulty technical equipment in the rooms, the library or anything else.
You can find the official contact page for comments of any kind here: TUM-Feedback. You can write feedback about anything that concerns the university.
If you have any questions or ideas concerning the study program, you can ask us or the Student services office