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Lecture notes shop (Skriptenverkauf) #

The lecture notes shop is one of the services that we as faculty student council provide. If you are interested in helping us out with the printing or the sales, you can drop by in our student council room or write a mail to skripten@fs.ei.tum.de.

Lecture notes sales during lecture periods #

Tuesday and Thursday 1 PM

The lecture notes shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 PM to 1:30 PM (except for the semester break and lecture-free days like bank holidays). At the beginning of every semester we have extended opening hours and additional sales events, announced further below in the section “Additional exceptional sales events”.

You’ll need to come to our shop in room N-1412 (basement of the N4 building, just next to the other rooms of the faculty student council).

Before coming, please have a look at the list of available lecture notes, where you can check whether the lecture notes you need are available. Please prepare a list of all lecture notes you need beforehand; this will accelerate the sales process and you won’t need to come in a second time if you forget anything in the spur of the moment (we all strive to be efficient engineers, after all).

Some lecturers don’t have their lecture notes printed at our shop. In this case, they may be provided on moodle or sold directly by the corresponding institute. Please ask the lecturer or the lecture assistant for further information. We don’t know the modalities of all hundreds (!) of lectures held at our department!

If there is a red ‘X’ in the front of a title in the list of available lecture notes, but you need it, just fill out our reprint form . This way, we’ll know that people still need these lecture notes and we’ll reprint them as soon as possible. If there is a red ‘X’ with a little star next to it, you don’t need to fill it out anymore, because we already scheduled a reprint for this title. Attention: We don’t take back sold lecture notes!

Lecture notes sets for the 24/25 #

First semester:
Computertechnik - Skript
Programmieren in C
Schaltungstheorie - Skript
Schaltungstheorie - Übung
Digitaltechnik - Folien
Digitaltechnik - Skript
Digitaltechnik - Übung
Price: 30,00 €

Third semester:
Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie - Skript
Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie - Übung
Signaltheorie - Skript
Signaltheorie - Übung
Stochastische Signale - Skript
Stochastische Signale - Übung
Price: 20,00 €

Please note that all lecture notes are available only in german, as it is the language of the electrical and computer engineering bachelor program.

Of course you can also purchase all listed lecture notes individually.

Additional exceptional sales events #

Like every semester, we propose additional sales events. They usually happen once in the beginning of each semester, to provide lecture notes for everyone, and closer to the exam period, so that everyone can get old exams to practice with.

Please note that every exceptional sales event concern only the students in the indicated semester. This is due to organisation and logistic reasons. If no semester is indicated, the sales event is for everyone.

You can find an overview of the upcoming additional sales events below.

Additional exceptional sales events - overview #

Evening sales events #

Thanks to a lot of (mostly) positive feedback, we try to organize evening sales events more often. Evening sales are proposed so that students who are rarely on-campus or are working during the normal sales time slots also get the opportunity to buy lecture notes. However, as evening sales events are organized additionally to the usual sales events, they only take place every three weeks.

Canceled sales events #

Lecture notes sales during semester holidays #

There are NO sales events during the semester breaks. If you still need anything from the last semester, send us a mail for an appointment. We do not sell any scripts for the coming semester before the lecture period has started.

Opening up the lecture notes shop takes a considerable amount of free time investment from our part, so it is possible that you will need to wait some time until someone can handle your request (or that no one is available to help you).

Please note as well that it might be possible that the lecture notes you need are sold out. In this case, they won’t be reprinted until the next semester they are used.

Additionally, the change of our fiscal year is during the summer break, so nothing can be sold during several days around this date.

Further information #

The faculty student council is always up to improving the lecture notes sales in order to provide lecture notes and old exams to everyone.

If you have any problems or ideas for improvement, feel free to write us a mail: skr-anfrage@fs.ei.tum.de.

We are always looking for volunteers to help us, the student council, since we are also volunteers. If you feel motivated to do some printing and selling, don’t hesitate to write us!