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Paper Formats #

There are many different paper formats used for printing, with DIN A4 being the most well-known in Germany, based on the German Industrial Standard 476.

We mainly print in A format, but we can also print in other formats. Here is a small overview of our sizes.

Format Width (in mm) Height (in mm) Trillian (B&W) Ragnarök (Color) Plotter (Color)
A0 841 1189 no no yes
A1 594 841 no no yes
A2 420 594 no no yes
A3 297 420 yes yes yes ***
A4 210 297 yes yes yes ***
A5* 148 210 yes yes yes ***
A6* 105 148 yes** yes** yes ***
A7* 74 105 yes** yes** yes ***
A8* 52 74 yes** yes** yes ***
A9* 37 52 yes** yes** yes ***
A10* 26 37 yes** yes** yes ***
A232* 1.6163×10^-32 2.2857×10^-32 no no no

* For sizes A5 or smaller, printing is likely still possible but it will be as expensive as printing in A4; we also enter areas that we can no longer cut.

** Upon request.

*** Not recommended.