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Legal Notice #

The following entity is responsible for the website accessible via the domains “fs.ei.tum.de”, “fsei.de”, “beste-fachschaft.de” and “galeriefest.de” and their respective subdomains:

Address #

Technical University of Munich
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89 289-01

Authorized Representatives #

The Technical University of Munich is a public corporation. It is legally represented by its president, Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann.

Responsible Supervisory Authority #

Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art

VAT Registration Number #


Responsibles for the Site Content #

Chairpeople of the electrical and computer engineering faculty student council
Thimo Keller, Marius Drechsler and Pascal Klamm
Financial director
Oliver Hajdučík

Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Munich
Mail address: vorstand@fs.ei.tum.de

Disclaimer #

We are not liable for the contents of external pages referred to via links on our homepage. Nevertheless, we control the linked resources thoroughly. The responsibility for the content of external websites lies with their respective authors.

All contributions identified by name, e.g. in discussion threads, represent the opinion of their respective author. The contributors are the sole responsibles for the content of their posts.

Contact #

Phone: +49 (0)89/289-22998
Mail address: info@fs.ei.tum.de